Guitar Hero Live Review

About then years ago, Guitar Hero introduced a new type of video gaming that is going to literally rock the world for the years to come. However, the fame was pretty short-lived and lasted about five years, when we already saw everything that can be shown at music-oriented video games. Alongside Rock Band series, Guitar Hero pioneered this game genre and five years after the last installment, we witnessed a reboot and saw the 2015 Guitar Hero Live game. Under new developer FreeStyleGames, Guitar Hero did not lose its credibility and with the multiple new songs from the latest charts, this game will restore its popularity from previous times.
The new guitar controller has been introduced with one additional button, bringing the total number of six instead of five so far. The buttons divide into two rows, one white and one black. This makes the difficulty level very transparent and it is very hard to catch all the tunes, once you turn into the highest difficulty mode. But on the plus side, this controller highly depicts a true guitar and makes the experience even more realistic to those who did not play the real guitar.
The premise of the game is still the same – you get to pick the songs from the game and use your controller as a guitar to follow the tips on the screen. From Queen, System of a down to Eminem, mostly all genres are present with some songs and the original pack includes 42 songs, with two hundred more available through GHTV live. Of course, not all of them are available right now and as you play you will unlock new content. The atmosphere while playing the guitar is amazing, with your band members and the crowd following your performance. So for example if you experience trouble while doing it, the audience will boo and express dissatisfaction, while if you perform great the audience will clap, cheer and support you.
Career mode in the Guitar Hero live is adventurous and puts in the shoe of a guitar-player in multiple bands across two music festivals, with each of the bands receiving three songs to present themselves. Although this sequence looks interesting and fun, the chemistry in the band is pretty average and you don’t get much interaction in the band. A future game would benefit from including some moves or communications, that shows your relation with the singer or the drummer and some true rock and roll spirit.
The GHTV experience is one of the greatest in the modern music gaming. Now you can choose live options and play in front of a audience or pick a TV performance and play ahead of a music video of that song. Although it sound very common, the experience is awesome especially when hitting a song you haven’t seen a video of in a long time.
Multiplayer feature is also available, but there is not a career mode for two players. Of course, you can connect another guitar or even use your phone as a mic, but more than just isn’t going to happen. And the second guitar is pretty much the same one, so there will be no bass guitars or anything in this Guitar Hero title.
Guitar Hero Live can be described as a successful comeback of a successful legacy and we hope that FreeStyleGames can make few upgrades and make this experience even better for the future titles..