Sacramento Kings 109 – Portland Trail Blazers 105

Many Portland locals were probably too busy watching the Monday Night Seattle Seahawks vs the Detroit Lions game to realize that the pre-season for the Portland Trail Blazers had kicked off. Many Blazers fans this season seem to have set the exceptions pretty low & who can blame them…after all we’re Blazers fans and we’ve been through a lot!

Spoiler alert…ah, never-mind we put the score in the headers; the Blazers lost; however the score doesn’t really reflect the game. The Trail Blazers dominated the first half and opened up a huge 56-41 lead at the half. The starters played pretty well the entire game until they were sat in the 4th quarter.

So PTB fans, left those heads up…this team looks good! Playoffs, way to early to tell…but heck, we’re Blazers Fans…so with that we say a resounding YES to the Playoffs this year!

Check out some images from fans at the game last night.
