All you Need to Know About NFL Fans

Are you a real NFL fan? If you are, you might just find yourself in these statistics and reports. In the spirit of the true sportsmanship, we will cover everything from skills to superstition and reveal some of the less known facts about your favorite teams.

Superstition: The Poetry of Life

Everyone knows that fans of Baltimore Ravens are the most superstitious ones in the entire league. Their set of rituals is almost legendary, with 48% of fans watching games with the same people throughout the season, and with 55% of Ravens fans wearing the same outfit. But did you know that 8% of the fans of the Carolina Panthers will break up relationships with their significant others if they would, God forbid, try to interfere in their game rituals? If you are in a relationship with a Panther fan, and the game is going well, don’t you dare to move no matter the cause, it might be your walk through the door as well. And if they have a token on their side, their favorite baseball card or any other form of a “rabbit’s foot” you better not play with it.

Personality: What Are We Like

Believe it or not, if you are an NFL fan, all chances are that you are the primary grocery shopper of your house too. 82% of the fans are, and even companies are aware of this fact and they are influencing you through sponsorship of your favorite team. Allegedly 38% of us will buy the product just because they invest in our team. But when you think about it, ultimately some of that money goes to your team, so go team, right? More than ¾ of the guys claim that they are NFL fans their entire life, but the girls are pretty close too, with one out of two being the avid fan since they could walk and point to the screen. And we don’t even have to mention that the majority of us, 53% to be exact, are loyal to our home teams and are cheering for our colors. You might be surprised that 43% of the fans are cheering for a team because of the great players, but sometimes it is the same thing, being a home team fan and because the players know their game. Of course, this is certainly not the case if you are a Jacksonville Jaguars fan, if that’s the case then you just really love Florida.

Sweet Sins: The Dark Side

If you want to find out how good, kind and respectable persons the refs actually are, then you should follow NFL fans on twitter. More than 125, 000 of the last year’s game tweets are describing them in a manner that is not suitable for any website, but if you are into some “R” rated material maybe you will learn a new word or two from these messages of love. Simple, nobody loves the poor refs. Although the majority of fans are always willing to bet money on the game, the sums that we bid on are generally small amounts, and we like to do it only because we are eager to mock our opponents. We won’t talk about the violent side of the fans, because we don’t support it, but let’s just say that Jets fans are well known for taking their supporting duties on a completely different level.

Hopefully you recognized yourself somewhere in these facts and statistics, and if you wish to kill some time before the season starts and find out more about the latest NFL rumors here is a place to do so. Did you know that in average one out of four fans gain 10 pounds during the season? Only Thanksgiving can compete to that weight gain. Oh well, go team..