Fluffy at the Moda Center in Portland

Martin is Real! No really, he is!

Gabriel Iglesias aka Fluffy was in Portland on February 7th at the Theater of the Clouds at the Moda Center. Let’s start off by saying this new layout they do at the Moda Center called Theater of the Clouds is pretty good; they did a nice job transforming the arena into a theater setting.

Everyone here at HB are fans of Fluffy, however we’ve never had seen him in a life show before. So when we got to our seats and the show started, who walks out on stage…Martin Moreno, aka “Heeeeeeey Marrteeen”; the man is real! Right then and there it was time to buckle in because this is going to be a funny show!

Martin and Alfred Robles did they’re shtick and did pretty well, but the guy I would have listen to all night was Rick Gutierrez. If you don’t know who the man, “freaking Google it”. Step aside Matt Foley, I just found a new motivational speaker! We don’t want to give away any of his material…but parents and teens should go see this guys together (warning he will keep it real).
Oh & guys…you’ll love the flea market!



Fluffy Gets Fluffy



Fluffy hits the stage and you don’t expect anything less, the crowd goes nuts. He did not disappoint; his material was on point…for a minute there I looked around to see if Comedy Central or some other TV station was filming this because the show was just too funny not to be aired for everyone to see.

Again, some of these references you won’t get unless you went to this show…but let me tell you; GREEN LANTERN 0 – FLUFFY 1. We did get the privilege to learn about Fluffy’s up bring in regards to religious believes which are Christian & Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist and anyone else that will help at Bingo.

Then he closes the show by going over some old material and let me tell you this was hilarious. After the first joke the crowd starts saying the jokes along with Fluffy and it threw him off so badly he couldn’t stop laughing; he forgot his own punch-lines.
5 Star show all the way!.